>> Greetings and Flirting Part
GIRL: hi:)
RONSTER2K: how dare you kept me waiting? :)
GIRL: hehe.. i wasnt here.. sowie :D but good for you waiting for me ;))
RONSTER2K: i was about to go but i'll give u a shot ;)
GIRL: hehe how nice of you.. a shot eh? just what i need :p
RONSTER2K: whats makes u need a shot?
RONSTER2K: two shots wont make u drunk
GIRL: i really wanna know how it feels to fly..
RONSTER2K: hahaha... yea... i wish we could talk about it...
RONSTER2K: its forbiden to talk dirty here... please…
GIRL: it doesnt always have to be dirty.. i mean FLY, literally...
RONSTER2K: hahaha fly in a dirty way is always the best
RONSTER2K: so whats goin on?
GIRL: got headache
GIRL: and PenyakitMauSembuh too...
RONSTER2K: whats that?
GIRL: well, kind of like PMS:p
GIRL: but lets talk bout something else..
GIRL: how are you?
RONSTER2K: oh my... yea skip that one...
RONSTER2K: pms causes gals to have lots of emotional drama
GIRL: not me:D i just stay in my room and dont talk. at all.
GIRL: but hey lets talk about something else...
RONSTER2K: such as?
GIRL: why does internet always disconnect me without my permission?#-o
RONSTER2K: because your not bossy enough
GIRL: yea im more like a pushover..:-<
GIRL: what do you have to do to be bossy?
RONSTER2K: are you spending time online everyday?
RONSTER2K: like a homegirl?
GIRL: ahaha nope.. im online when im home.. which is like this time.. u think im a homegirl eh? lol
RONSTER2K: ya maybe
GIRL: ahahahaha.. so.. what if i am?
RONSTER2K: great, i'll chat with you all day...
RONSTER2K: helping you with your loneliness
GIRL: what the hell?:))
GIRL: im a cybergirl, u said that:p
RONSTER2K: hahaha if you want to... what can i say?
GIRL: nothing:D
GIRL: are u on ur phone?
RONSTER2K: free to call
GIRL: no i mean, are u chatting using ur phone?
RONSTER2K: no.. using my hand ofcourse
GIRL: seriously :p
RONSTER2K: wanna help? :))
GIRL: what are u using ur fingers to type on? keypad or keyboard?
RONSTER2K: whatever it is, i feel the joy :))
GIRL: seriouslyyy:p:p
RONSTER2K: guess
GIRL: its kinda obvious tho,, keyboard,maybe?
RONSTER2K: ah... you are the best quicky girl i ever known
GIRL: maksudnya apa coba?:p
RONSTER2K: hahaha... pura2 nga ngerti ya?
RONSTER2K: ck ck ck
GIRL: saya masih polos masO:-)
GIRL: ahaha
RONSTER2K: :)) barely legal
GIRL: how is that barely legal?:p
RONSTER2K: 18+ is barely legal
RONSTER2K: you always bite your finger like that when you are typing?
GIRL: course not, i bite my toes:P
RONSTER2K: hahaha nice...
RONSTER2K: hey i wanna ask you questions
RONSTER2K: since im a dating coach, consider this as an interview to help all those desperate boys out there
GIRL: oh dear…
>> Interview Starts Here
RONSTER2K: 1. what makes you interested in a guy?
RONSTER2K: what traits that they have that makes you say wow
GIRL: me? personally?
GIRL: i like a guy who can make me LAUGH, and is CHARMING.
RONSTER2K: ah thank you... im flaterred
RONSTER2K: ok, second one is…
GIRL: :p
GIRL: did i ever say i was talking about you?
RONSTER2K: i bet you do... so lets just move on
RONSTER2K: second
RONSTER2K: what makes a conversation interesting?
GIRL: when it HAS NO END, when it LEADS TO ANOTHER TOPIC that can MAKE YOU TALK AND TALK for hours…
GIRL: next?;))
RONSTER2K: what to talk about?
RONSTER2K: what topic that is interesting for woman?
RONSTER2K: give me some idea
GIRL: umm... ANYTHING, really... but for me, AS LONG as it can make me LAUGH... I LIKE TO LAUGH, even for NO REASON, so... :D :D
RONSTER2K: laugh for no reason? :))
RONSTER2K: wow... you ARE interesting girl i suppose?
GIRL: interesting eh? thanks for using such a nice word:D
RONSTER2K: i prefer flowery words...
GIRL: fourth, u mean?
RONSTER2K: the previous one was SECOND B
RONSTER2K: no third
GIRL: RONSTER2K: what to talk about?
RONSTER2K: what topic that is interesting for woman?
RONSTER2K: now is third
GIRL: thats TWO questions
RONSTER2K: no it was ONE question with two sub questions
GIRL: u've already used ur 3 questions :D
RONSTER2K: well, i see that you are starting to be a little bit bossy
GIRL: no more questions for u to ask, mister? :D
RONSTER2K: i respect that
GIRL: ahaha
GIRL: bring them on :>
GIRL: i have the right to refuse to answer tho, yea?
RONSTER2K: well well
GIRL: okei:)
RONSTER2K: what questions that intrigues woman?
GIRL: *bentar, ke kamus online dulu:D
GIRL: u mean intrigue?
GIRL: wait, why exactly are u asking me these questions? curang neehh, jadi kaya minta kunci jawaban :p
RONSTER2K: hahaha well because i wanna share with the world and ofcourse i'd might use it on you
GIRL: that's cheatiiiing....
RONSTER2K: its not cheating
GIRL: next question please :D
RONSTER2K: hahaha
RONSTER2K: no no seriously
RONSTER2K: i believe that girls love to express their thoughts right?
RONSTER2K: they just need a right question for it
RONSTER2K: so what questions that makes them go yap yap
RONSTER2K: one of my secret is talking about SHOES
RONSTER2K: so add some
GIRL: OHMYGAWD...... does it actually work on girls? talking about shoes?
GIRL: im afraid that wont work on me, mister..
RONSTER2K: some of fashion freaks i believe
RONSTER2K: i mean general woman, not barely legal homegirl :))
GIRL: :p
RONSTER2K: ok so whats an intriguing question that makes YOU go YAP YAP?
GIRL: no, im not answering that question:|
GIRL: i dont go YAP YAP anyway:p
>> Saya menggunakan teknik PDC disini. *PDC = Pancing Dikit Curhat.
RONSTER2K: hey do you like icecream?
GIRL: is that your fifth question?
GIRL: yes i do. but is it relevant tho?
RONSTER2K: what makes you like it?
GIRL: gives me brain freeze:D
RONSTER2K: brain breeze?
RONSTER2K: hahaha
GIRL: brain Freeze
RONSTER2K: how about the tongue factor?
RONSTER2K: tongue breeze?
GIRL: it not breeze, its FFFFreeze
RONSTER2K: ok tongue freeze
GIRL: yea, that;))
RONSTER2K: well, i guess icecream doesnt make you go yap yap
GIRL: ahahaha,,, is that what u were trying to do? aww.. so cute..
RONSTER2K: yes i know... thank you...
GIRL: ahahahaha
RONSTER2K: ok, befor you call me cute and i became more narcissistic, next Q
RONSTER2K: what do you expect from a guy on a first date?
GIRL: u were already narcistic anyway:p
GIRL: wait, im still hung up on that ice cream thing...;))
GIRL: awww... really, that was sooo cute...
RONSTER2K: hahaha here we go...
GIRL: ahahahaha
GIRL: cant stop laughing..;))
RONSTER2K: well... i guess ice cream works!... can't wait to tell the guys
RONSTER2K: lets see how many girls respond to that
RONSTER2K: i guess there will be lots of cute guys after this
GIRL: i;ll be right back, wait
RONSTER2K: quicky...
GIRL: back:)
GIRL: no, the reason why it was cute was ...
GIRL: no, nvm:D
GIRL: it just was;))
GIRL: are u still there cute boy?
GIRL: were u telling the guys?
RONSTER2K: the "yes" stands for the "cute"
RONSTER2K: no no i havent told the guys
GIRL: ;))
GIRL: if u do, tell them i said hi:D
RONSTER2K: hahaha sure
GIRL: hii guys..
GIRL: who are the guys anyway?
RONSTER2K: hey stop it... you're making me jealous
GIRL: hey guys, add my ID, yea? its XXXXXXXXXX
GIRL: ;))
RONSTER2K: hahahaha
RONSTER2K: should i use my CUTE power to stop you?
GIRL: please:D
GIRL: ahaha
RONSTER2K: hahaha
GIRL: anymore questions? no? good:D
RONSTER2K: i have bunch
RONSTER2K: and lots lots more
GIRL: one at a time plz:p
RONSTER2K: ok so icecream works
RONSTER2K: now my question is
RONSTER2K: Is PHYSICAL LOOKS and MONEY matters to girls?
GIRL: god NO!
GIRL: not to me anyway
RONSTER2K: so what matters?
GIRL: charisma, i guess?
RONSTER2K: character?
GIRL: that too:D
GIRL: another thing, i like a guy who is original.
GIRL: know what i mean?
RONSTER2K: real?
RONSTER2K: not manipulative right?
GIRL: that too, but...
GIRL: i mean...
RONSTER2K: being him self and cut all the crap?
GIRL: original, u know?
RONSTER2K: yes i know
GIRL: u know how MOST OF THE GUYS always say such CHEESY WORDS? and send really cheesy text messages? those "romantic" messages PIRATED FROM THE INTERNET AND MAGAZINES? so not cool anymore..
RONSTER2K: hahaha need something genuine eh?
RONSTER2K: pure creativity
GIRL: i like a guy who is original and send something romantic in a funny and cocky kind of way:D
RONSTER2K: funny and cocky?
GIRL: yes:)
RONSTER2K: ah... nice words
GIRL: thanks:)
RONSTER2K: how about funny, cute and a bit narcissistic kind a way?
GIRL: like what?
RONSTER2K: like me
GIRL: ahahaha
GIRL: that IS narcissistic:p
RONSTER2K: im waiting for the YES :-w
GIRL: dont force me:p
RONSTER2K: hahaha... yes... slowly...
GIRL: exactly :D :D
RONSTER2K: hahaha
RONSTER2K: i guess thats a YES in an indirect way of saying it
RONSTER2K: well, i got the message :)
RONSTER2K: lets move on
GIRL: u're right...
GIRL: you ARE narcissistic
GIRL: ;))
RONSTER2K: :)) but you damn love me...
RONSTER2K: ok i said next
RONSTER2K: please obey me... so i dont need to force you... :D
GIRL: next :p
RONSTER2K: hahaha
RONSTER2K: Whats the most romantic way that attracts woman?
GIRL: what do u mean romantic way?
RONSTER2K: the way that just melt woman's heart
RONSTER2K: its not the part that you guys are having FUN
RONSTER2K: but more of personal bubble
GIRL: well it depends… if I (personally) dont like the guy, nothing he does can melt me..
GIRL: but if i DO like him, a 'hello' would just melt me like THAT.
GIRL: next?
RONSTER2K: what?
RONSTER2K: i don’t get it
RONSTER2K: ok let’s say you have FUN with a guy
RONSTER2K: and because of the FUN thing, you guys grow those chemistry
RONSTER2K: and by the time goes by, you guys are more intimate in a sensual way, not sexual
RONSTER2K: so what makes a guy from a FUN guy transition into a seductive and flirtious kinda guy?
GIRL: next?;))
RONSTER2K: seriously
RONSTER2K: you get what i mean?
GIRL: no, not really.. but i dont wanna answer it anyway...
GIRL: i just dont want to:)
RONSTER2K: yes i guess PMS is the factor
RONSTER2K: ok next
GIRL: ;))
RONSTER2K: hold on dear
RONSTER2K: i got some work
GIRL: its ok, i can watch southpark :D
RONSTER2K: hahah ok
RONSTER2K: not for long
RONSTER2K: time i gotta go
GIRL: oh ok..
RONSTER2K: thanks for sharing
GIRL: same-same:D
RONSTER2K: see u soon
GIRL: bye... :)
Beberapa POIN penting yang bisa anda ambil dari interview saya diatas adalah:
What makes you interested in a guy?
A guy who can make a girl LAUGH, and is CHARMING.
What makes a conversation interesting?
When the conversation HAS NO END, when it LEADS TO ANOTHER TOPIC that
can MAKE YOU TALK AND TALK for hours…
What topic that is interesting for woman?
ANYTHING, AS LONG as it can make Woman LAUGH even for NO (LOGICAL) REASONS
What questions that intrigues woman?
Is PHYSICAL LOOKS and MONEY matters to girls?
So what matters?
MOST OF THE GUYS always say such CHEESY WORDS and Really cheesy text messages like those "romantic" messages PIRATED FROM THE INTERNET AND MAGAZINES. That is SO NOT COOL ANYMORE. (This including pickup lines, openers, negs, dhv, etc)
Woman likes a guy who is ORIGINAL and Romantic in a funny and cocky kind of way (This means BEING a NATURAL not an “internet scripted cool guy” wanna be)
Cobalah untuk membaca materi ini berulang-ulang untuk benar-benar mendapatkan PENGERTIAN dan MAKNA nya.
Semoga anda menikmati materi ini. Maju terus dan jadilah Pria Idaman.
Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010
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About me

- Zulfan
- Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia
- Anak pertama dari empat saudara, lahir pada tanggal 10 Maret 1990, di Pagutan Mataram NTB, yang ingin melanjutkan Hobinya dalam bidang Teknik Informatika
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